Hay Bales
This painting was one that I did a while ago (1yr ago)
It was done from a picture sent to me by a colleague during one of the Wetcanvas weekend painting events. I didn't like the barn and I was at a point where I wanted to stop painting frome photos so I ignored it. Was reorganising the work space and came across it so I took it out and played around with the barn some more. Still not totally satisfied with it because I feel it's taking away from the hay bales but decided to publish it. I don't even know where the picture is now.
Here is Miss Mary again. Slow going but a little more has been done to her.
Background has been added (although it may not stay that way) Some work had been done to her face, hat and fan.
It can be a little frustrating not being able to paint as I would like; with the frequency I would like but I'm plodding on and trying to make the best of what I have.
Some interesting things are developing cross your fingers and say a prayer that they all work out.
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