
We cannot hope to be creative and inspiring if we do not first get off our butts and exercise our arms on the dreams we have dreamt.

It is only through the sweat and the pain of the birthing process will our dreams see the light of day; our aspirations take flight and soar.

Day after day we sit and watch life pass us by and wonder why we're not succeeding and why we can't seem to get it together. We fail to ask the all important questions that will lead us to the right answers: What did I do with my opportunities today? Did I put my time and plans before God and ask His opinion?How did I spend my time? Did I notice the opportunities that God sent my way? Did I thank Him for them by taking full advantage of them?

If we start by asking the right questions and seeking the right answers; by getting off our butts and putting in the sweat, we will be well on our way to making our lives useful; to ourselves and to others.
